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Software Package


An InfraSonar agents is an installable software component that autonomously and send the retrieved monitoring data to the InfraSonar platform using the InfraSonar API

Our remote appliance manager makes it easy to deploy specific agent onto your monitoring appliance.


Agents typically have a direct connection to our api endpoint over a HTTPS connection. (

flowchart LR
    A(InfraSonar agent) -->|HTTPS | B(InfraSonar platform)

It is however possible to use our InfraSonar appliance as a proxy and route agent trafic to the appliance and then to our InfraSonar platform.

flowchart LR
    A(InfraSonar agent) -->|HTTPS | B(InfraSonar appliance)
    B -->|HTTPS | C(InfraSonar platform)

API forwarder

For this to work you first need to enable the API forwarder on our appliance.

  1. Open the InfraSonar webapp (
  2. Navigate to the agentcore you want to use.
  3. Click the gear ⚙ icon to configure the appliance.
  4. Open the agents tab
  5. Toggle API forwarder on

Agent configuration

Agents are by default configured to connect to, there are two supported approaches to connect agents to the appliance instead of directly to our internet endpoint.


For this method you need to create a response policy zone for and add our API IP address to this zone.

When using Windows DNS:

  1. Open DNS manager
  2. Create a new primary zone
  3. Select the appropriate replication scope
  4. Enter the zone name:
  5. Select Do not allow dynamic updates
  6. Add a new host A record
  7. Leave the name field empty**
  8. Enter the IP address of your appliance
  9. Verify if the name is resolved correctly nslookup

Agent configuration

For most agents setting the environment variable API_URI to you appliance DNS name is sufficient.

Our Windows agent stores it's configuration in the registry and requires ApiUrl as REG_SZ under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Cesbit\InfraSonarAgent


The URI format implies you use https://yourappliancename.yourinternalzone.something

Check the agent GitHub page on when in doubt.