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The Discover agent uses nmap to periodically scan and map a subnet for assets and open TCP ports.

Assets discovered by the discovery agent can easily be added to InfraSonar.


  • Subnet scan, scan a subnet for assets and open TCP ports.
  • Add assets, easily add dicovered assets to InfraSonar directly from the detailed scan output.
  • Periodically or one off, our discovert agent can be deployed to run periodically or once as a means for initial deployment.


The discovert agent uses Nmap under the hood and expects Nmap to be installed on the system were the agent is being deployed.

Our docker-container deployment already includes Nmap

See the Nmap download page for more information how to install Nmap.

Nmap on Windows

On modern Windows installation Nmap can easilty be installed via winget

winget install -e --id Insecure.Nmap


InfraSonar appliance

You can easily deploy our discovery agent using our Remote Appliance Manager.


Download the latest release here For Windows you want the file were x.x.x represents our latest version number.


You can run the discovery agent as a one-off scan like this:

discovery-agent --token <agent-token> --asset-id <asset-id> --network <subnet>
  • <agent-token>, enter your agent-token here
  • <asset-id>, enter the asset ID tou want to use to report the discory results to.
  • <subnet>, the subnet in CIDR notation

Additional information

Discovery agent source code