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The speedtest-agent measures upload and download speeds using Ookla's speedtest service.

Third party data collection

Ookla collects certain data through Speedtest that may be considered personally identifiable, such as your IP address, unique device identifiers or location. Ookla believes it has a legitimate interest to share this data with internet providers, hardware manufacturers and industry regulators to help them understand and create a better and faster internet. For further information including how the data may be shared, where the data may be transferred and Ookla’s contact details, please see Ookla's Privacy Policy.


  • Speedtest Monitors upload and download speeds as observed from the agent's perspective


The speedtest agent is easiest deployed on your monitoring appliance using our Remote Appliance Deployment.


If desired you can deploy the speedtest agent standalone in a docker container for example:

docker run \
  --name speedtestagent \
  -e TOKEN="<<agent token>>" \
  -e ASSET_ID="<<asset_ID>>" \
  -d \

Ensure you add the agent onto the asset prior to deploying the agent.

Additional information

Speedtest agent source code