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Software Package

Microsoft Windows agent


Easy deployment

You can use our easy deployment script, note this scripts requires elevated privileges as it runs an MSI installer.

curl -fsSL ^
   -o %temp%\infrasonar.cmd && %temp%\infrasonar.cmd

The install script now prompts you for the InfraSonar agent token as shown below:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.2861]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\sysadmin>curl -fsSL ^
More?    -o %temp%\infrasonar.cmd && %temp%\infrasonar.cmd
InfraSonar agent version v1.0.12 (re)deployment.
Downloading the InfraSonar Windows agent.
Configuring the InfraSonar Windows agent.

Enter the InfraSonar agent token: <<ENTER YOUR INFRASONAR AGENT TOKEN HERE>>
The operation completed successfully.
you can set an optional asset ID, this connects the agent to an existing asset
Enter the assetID (leave black if unsure):
(re)installing the InfraSonar Windows agent.

Manual installation

Install the msi:

You can download the latest msi of our latest Microsoft Windows agent from our GitHub releases page here.

Configure the Microsoft Windows agent:

Open the registry and add your agent Token:


You can also use the command below in an elevated command prompt to set your agent token:

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Cesbit\InfraSonarAgent" /v Token /d %token% /t REG_SZ /f

Configure your asset Id

If you already have an Asset Id, you can configure set in the registry. When the AssetId registry key is 0, the agent will create a new asset once the service starts.

(Re)start the Microsoft Windows agent:

To apply any changed made in the registry the agent needs to be stopped and started.

You can use the services console (services.msc) or use the following commands in an elevated command prompt:

net stop InfraSonarAgent
net start InfraSonarAgent

More debug information

If you want more debug information in the Event Viewer, you can also add a Debug registry key of type RED_DWORD and set the value to 1. eventvwr

Additional information

Windows agent source code