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InfraSonar monitors NetApp systems running Data ONTAP using the ONTAP rest API.

SNMP-probe for 7mode

It is possible to monitor 7mode NetApp systems using SNMP. The monitoring is not as elaborate as the API Probe.


Some of the features of the InfraSonar NetApp probe:

  • NetApp Health Status
  • Aggregate and volume and utilization
  • Cluster information
  • Disk status
  • Interface status (Ethernet and FCP)
  • CIFS status
  • Autosupport configuration
  • IOPS
  • Snapmirror

Version specific

Some checks are only available from a specific ONTAP version onward:

  • cluster node controller info requires ONTAP v9.9 or higher
  • cluster node statistics requires ONTAP v9.8 or higher
  • interface and interface ports statistics requires ONTAP v9.8 or higher
  • SnapMirror transfer data requires ONTAP v9.11 or higher

Probe configuration


Don't use admin

We strongly advise setting up a separate user for monitoring to have a clear separation of responsibilities but also to avoid lock-out issues.

First step is to figure out which vserver to use:

vserver show

Create a role for InfraSonar with limited access, ensure to use the correct vserver. vserver show is your friend 🤓

Create NetApp role
security login rest-role create -role infrasonar -vserver netapp01 -api /api -access readonly
security login rest-role create -role infrasonar -vserver netapp01 -api /api/security -access none
security login rest-role create -role infrasonar -vserver netapp01 -api /api/security/audit/destinations -access readonly
security login rest-role create -role infrasonar -vserver netapp01 -api /api/security/authentication/password -access all
security login rest-role create -role infrasonar -vserver netapp01 -api /api/security/certificates -access readonly

You can verify this role using:

Verify NetApp role
security login rest-role show infrasonar

Next step is to create a user (infrasonar) and assign the previously created role (infrasonar) to this user:

Create NetApp user
security login create infrasonar -role infrasonar -comment "system-monitoring user, readonly" -application ontapi -authentication-method password 
security login create infrasonar -role infrasonar -application http -authentication-method password 

Verify the user creation:

Verify NetApp user
security login show infrasonar

Set the credentials using our remote appliance manager

The probe retrieves monitoring data using the ONTAP REST API on TCP port 443.



When the time difference between 2 snapshots is greater than 21 (also known as monthly backup), an InfraSonar alert is triggered. There is also a label (dangling snapshots (vmfs) 7d) which generates an alert if the snapshot contains the word vmfs and the time difference is greater then 7 days.

Possible causes:

  • Manual snapshots that have not been cleaned up.
  • A reconfigured snapmanager.
  • A server that is powered off while the mirror is still running.

Additional information

netapp probe source code