HTTP Service
The HTTP Service allows to monitor a specific URI over the http or https protocol
- Roundtrip time, the roundtriptime for the http(s) request is measured and returned.
- HTTP status code monitoring
Service configuration
Property | Description |
URI | URI of the website you want to monitor |
Timeout | Timeout in seconds should be a value between 0 and 240. The default timeout is 10.0 |
Verify SSL | If turned off, the check ignores invalid certificates; when on, the URI must have a valid certificate. Nots, this is only applicable for HTTPS URI. The default is off. |
With payload | Retrieves the payload, bare in mind the payload is limited to 500 Kb |
Allow redirects | When turned on, redirects are followed. |
1. Redirects
When monitoring cloud services, enable Allow redirects as these services heavily rely on http redirects.
2. Make our check filterable
Add parameters to your URI so you can identify and thus filter us from your regular traffic.
For example like this:
https://<<your uri>>/?utm_source=infrasonar&utm_medium=infrasonar&utm_campaign=infrasonar
Check specifics
HTTP Status codes
See RFC9110 or the List of HTTP status codes on Wikipedia for more detailed information.
code | class | code Meaning |
100 | Informational | Continue |
101 | Informational | Switching protocols |
102 | Informational | Processing |
103 | Informational | Early Hints |
200 | Successful | OK |
201 | Successful | Created |
202 | Successful | Accepted |
203 | Successful | Non-Authoritative Information |
204 | Successful | No Content |
205 | Successful | Reset Content |
206 | Successful | Partial Content |
207 | Successful | Multi-Status |
208 | Successful | Already Reported |
226 | Successful | IM Used |
300 | Redirection | Multiple Choices |
301 | Redirection | Moved Permanently |
302 | Redirection | Found (Previously "Moved Temporarily") |
303 | Redirection | See Other |
304 | Redirection | Not Modified |
305 | Redirection | Use Proxy |
306 | Redirection | Switch Proxy |
307 | Redirection | Temporary Redirect |
308 | Redirection | Permanent Redirect |
400 | Client Error | Bad Request |
401 | Client Error | Unauthorized |
402 | Client Error | Payment Required |
403 | Client Error | Forbidden |
404 | Client Error | Not Found |
405 | Client Error | Method Not Allowed |
406 | Client Error | Not Acceptable |
407 | Client Error | Proxy Authentication Required |
408 | Client Error | Request Timeout |
409 | Client Error | Conflict |
410 | Client Error | Gone |
411 | Client Error | Length Required |
412 | Client Error | Precondition Failed |
413 | Client Error | Payload Too Large |
414 | Client Error | URI Too Long |
415 | Client Error | Unsupported Media Type |
416 | Client Error | Range Not Satisfiable |
417 | Client Error | Expectation Failed |
418 | Client Error | I'm a Teapot |
421 | Client Error | Misdirected Request |
422 | Client Error | Unprocessable Entity |
423 | Client Error | Locked |
424 | Client Error | Failed Dependency |
425 | Client Error | Too Early |
426 | Client Error | Upgrade Required |
428 | Client Error | Precondition Required |
429 | Client Error | Too Many Requests |
431 | Client Error | Request Header Fields Too Large |
451 | Client Error | Unavailable For Legal Reasons |
500 | Server Error | Internal Server Error |
501 | Server Error | Not Implemented |
502 | Server Error | Bad Gateway |
503 | Server Error | Service Unavailable |
504 | Server Error | Gateway Timeout |
505 | Server Error | HTTP Version Not Supported |
506 | Server Error | Variant Also Negotiates |
507 | Server Error | Insufficient Storage |
508 | Server Error | Loop Detected |
510 | Server Error | Not Extended |
511 | Server Error | Network Authentication Required |