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Microsoft Exchange 2003

Start the "Active Directory Users and Computers" tool on a server, which also contains the Exchange 2003 management tools. Usually the exchange or SBS server.

Create a receiving mailbox user

  1. Create a new user in the for your organization correct OU:
    1. Provide the Full name. We recommend using: Mail Round Trip Monitoring Receive mailbox.
    2. Provide the User logon name. We recommend: mailroundtrip.
    3. Click on Next to continue.
  2. Password options:
    1. Enter a secure password. This password is not used and can be changed anytime.
    2. Select "User cannot change password" and "Password never expires".
    3. Click on Next to continue.
  3. Create the actual mailbox:
    1. Usually you can leave this default. Adjust the Server and mailbox store if required.
  4. Finish the creation of the user:
    1. Verify the configuration.
    2. Click on Finish to finalize the user creation process.

Create a return mail contact

Add a mail contact. This contact is required to forward the mail back to the monitoring host.

  1. Right click in the organization unit where you want to create the mail contact.
  2. Select Cew -> Contact.
  3. Enter the contact details:
  4. Provide a Full name, we suggest: Mail Round Trip Monitoring Return Address.
  5. Click on Next to continue.
  6. Add the SMTP address:
    1. Click on Modify:
      1. Select SMTP Address.
      2. Click on OK.
    2. Enter the return email address:
      1. Enter the return mail address in the E-mail address field:
      2. Click on OK.
    3. Finish:
      1. Verify the settings.
      2. Click on Next to continue.
      3. Click on Finish.

Hide the return mail contact

We suggest hiding the contact from the address-book, so details will not be shown to end-users.

  1. Right-click on the Mail Round Trip Monitoring Return Address contact you just created and select Properties.
  2. Open the Exchange advanced tab.
  3. Select Hide from Exchange address lists.
  4. Click on OK.

Modify the receive mailbox user

  1. Double click on the previously created Mail Round Trip Monitoring Receive mailbox user.
  2. Open the Exchange Features tab:
    1. Disable all features.
  3. Open the Exchange Advanced tab:
    1. Enable Hide from Exchange address lists.
  4. Open the "Exchange General" tab:
    1. Click on Delivery options.
    2. Click on Modify.
    3. Enter the Mail Round Trip Monitoring Return Address.
  5. Click on Ok three times.