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Set agentcore zone

PATCH /agentcore/<agentcoreId>/zone


Set the agentcore zone. Success (204) is also returned when the agentcore was already in the desired zone.

This requires the Remote Appliance (RAPP) to be installed and connected. Use query-agentcores to find if RAPP is connected.

Path parameters

Param Description
agentcoreId Agentcore Id.

Query parameters



Param Type Required Description
zone integer Yes Zone Id (between 0 and 9).

Return codes

Error code Reason
204 Success.
400 Invalid body.
401 Invalid or missing token.
403 Insufficient permissions (required: API+CORE_CONNECT).
404 Agentcore not found.
500 RAPP Error.
503 Remote appliance (RAPP) can be in state: busy, agentcore not connected or rapp not connected. All states may be temporary and can be tried again.


Curl request:

curl \
    -X PATCH '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "zone": 1