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Assign alert

PUT /alert/<alertKs>/assign


Assign an open alert to a user. The user (userId) must be marked as a member of the container. Success (204) is also returned when the alert does not exist.

Path parameters

Param Description
alertKs Alert key string (ks).


Param Type Required Description
userId int Yes User Id of a user
message string No Optional message (max 240 characters, default empty).

Return codes

Error code Reason
204 Success.
400 Invalid body or alert key string.
401 Invalid or missing token.
403 Insufficient permissions (required: API+ALERT_ASSIGN).
404 User (userId) not found or the user is not a member.


Curl request:

curl \
    -X PUT '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "userId": 123