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Insert check data

POST /asset/<assetId>/collector/<collectorKey>/check/<checkKey>


Insert check data.

Path parameters

Param Description
assetId Asset Id.
collectorKey Collector key.
checkKey Check key.

Query parameters



Param Type Required Description
data object Yes Object with check data.
version string Yes Version of the collector.
runtime float No Time it took for the check to run in seconds.
no_count boolean No If true, the check result will not be "counted" by InfraSonar and therefore not affect "last-seen".
timestamp integer No Unix timestamp in seconds. If omitted, InfraSonar will set the timestamp for the check data.

Return codes

Error code Reason
204 Success.
400 Invalid body.
401 Invalid or missing token.
403 Insufficient permissions (required: API+INSERT_CHECK_DATA).
404 Asset or collector or check not found.
409 Collector is not assigned to the asset.
413 Body size too large (maximum 500 KB).


Curl request:

curl \
    -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "data": {
        "networks": [
                "name": "myNetwork",
                "ipAddress": ""
    "version": "0.1.0"
In this example, "docker" is the collector, "network" the check, "networks" a type, "name" is a required metric and "ipAddress" is a metric.