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Query check data

GET /asset/<assetId>/collector/<collectorKey>/check/<checkKey>?fmt=false


Query check data. The result might be null when both the collector and check exist, but no data for the given asset exists. If only the framework is null, then the check is enabled for the asset but no data is received (yet).

Path parameters

Param Description
assetId Asset Id.
collectorKey Collector key.
checkKey Check key.

Query parameters

Param Default Description
fmt false Either true or false. When true the display function is used to format the values and if false, the raw values are returned.

Return codes

Error code Reason
200 Success.
400 Invalid value for fmt query param.
401 Invalid or missing token.
403 Insufficient permissions (required: API+READ).
404 Asset, collector or check not found.


Curl request:

curl \
    -X GET '' \


    "data": {
        "icmp": [
                "address": "",
                "maxTime": "1 ms",
                "name": "ping",
                "count": "5",
                "dropped": "0",
                "minTime": "165 μs"
    "framework": {
        "duration": "4.015 seconds",
        "timestamp": "2023-01-12 15:29:37+01:00",
        "prev": {
            "timestamp": "2023-01-12 15:24:37+01:00"

In this example, "ping" is a collector, "ping" a check, "icmp" a type and "name", address, maxTime etc, are the metrics.