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Query time series

POST /asset/<assetId>/query-time-series


Query time series.

Path parameters

Param Description
assetId Asset Id.


Param Type Required Description
collector string Yes Collector key.
check string Yes Check key.
type string Yes Type key.
metric string Yes Metric key.
items array(string) No Item names. If not given, all items are returned.
timeSpan integer No Time span in seconds. Defaults to 28800 (8 hours). The maximum time span is 2419200 (28 days).
start integer/string No Unix timestamp or ISO time string. The start + time-span is the end of the time window. When not given, the start is calculated as now minus the time span which results in the latest data points.
aggregation object No See aggregation section. If not given, no aggregation is used.
merge object No See merge section. If not given, items are not merged.


Param Type Required Description
as string Yes Name as the time-series will be returned in the result. Only alpha-numeric characters and underscores are allowed and the name must not be empty.
aggregation object Yes See aggregation section. This aggregation is used for merging the time series.


Param Type Required Description
type string Yes One of mean, min, max, sum, median, median_high, median_low or count.
timeSpan integer No Time span in seconds used for aggregation blocks. For example 3600 will create per-hour blocks. If not given, the result will contain a single value with the current timestamp.

Return codes

Error code Reason
200 Success.
400 Invalid body.
401 Invalid or missing token.
403 Insufficient permissions (required: API+READ).
404 Asset not found.


Curl request (Average bytes received p/s for the last 4 hours):

curl \
    -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \```
    --data-raw '{
    "collector": "wmi",
    "check": "network",
    "type": "interface",
    "metric": "BytesReceivedPersec",
    "timeSpan": 14400,
    "aggregation": {
        "type": "mean"

Response (Each key in the response represents an item name, unless "merge" is used. The value is an array with with arrays containing a timestamp and value):

    "Intel[R] 82574L Gigabit Network Connection": [