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Add user to container

POST /container/<containerId>/user


Add a user to the container. This only works for existing InfraSonar users. If you want to add a new user, use the create invite API. An error will be returned if the user already is added to the container. Use update user to update user permissions.

Path parameters

Param Description
containerId Container Id.

Query parameters



Param Type Required Description
email string Yes Email for the user.
authProvider string Yes(*) Authentication provider for the user. One of Google, Microsoft or Password (only required when a duplicated email address exists).
member boolean No When true, the user will be marked as a member. Alerts can only be assigned to members of the container. Defaults to false.
permissions array(string) No Optional list with user permissions (see: authentication flags for a complete list).

Authentication flags

Auth Flag Description
READ Required to view the container.
ALERT_ASSIGN Required for assigning alerts.
ALERT_CHANGE Required for adding comment to alerts and for closing alerts.
API Required making API calls to this container.
ASSET_MANAGEMENT Required for asset management tasks such as creating new assets, label assignments, changing the asset mode etc.
BILLING Required for viewing the credits tab on a container.
CHECK_MANAGEMENT Required to enable or disable checks and change a check interval.
CONTAINER_ACCESS Required for adding users to a container and managing their access rights.
CONTAINER_ADMIN Required to make, change, or delete labels and conditions, and to enable or disable collectors.
CONTAINER_MANAGEMENT Required for renaming or moving the container and also for creating child containers.
CONTAINER_TOKENS Required for adding container tokens and managing their access rights.
CORE_CONNECT Required for Agentcores to connect to the InfraSonar hub.
INSERT_CHECK_DATA Required to insert check-data with the API. This is required for agents to write data.
PURGE_TIME_SERIES Required to purge dead time-series.
REPORTING_ADMIN Required for making, changing or deleting report configurations.
REPORTING_VIEW Required to open reporting and download reports.
RULE_EMAIL Required for adding your own alert or notification rule using email. This flag is also required for App rules.
RULE_MANAGEMENT Required for managing any kind of rule. This also allows to view and edit rules from other users.
RULE_PHONE Required for adding your own alert or notification rule using SMS, VoiceCall or WhatsApp.
TIME_SERIES_MANAGEMENT Required to enable or disable SiriDB time-series.
VIEW_LOG Required to view the logs.
WEBHOOKS Required for making, changing or deleting webhooks.

Return codes

Error code Reason
204 Success.
400 Invalid body or the user already exists on the container.
401 Invalid or missing token.
403 Insufficient permissions (required: API+CONTAINER_ACCESS).
404 Container not found.


Curl request:

curl \
    -X POST '' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "email": "",
    "authProvider": "Password",
    "member": true,
    "permissions": ["READ"]