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Query properties

GET /container/<containerId>/properties?kind=...&id=...&fields=...


Query all properties for a given container. Each property is assigned to an object, which we call the "target" object.

Path parameters

Param Description
containerId Container Id.

Query parameters

Param Default Description
fields all fields Fields to return (see fields below for all available fields).
kind none Only properties for a specific kind. One of Asset, Container, Condition or User.
id none Only properties for a given Id.


Field Return type Description
id int Target Id for the property.
kind string/null Target Kind of the property. One of Asset, Container, Condition, User or null if no target is found.
name string/null Readable name for the target. This value can be null if no target is found for the Id.
key string Property key.
value any Property value.

Return codes

Error code Reason
200 Success.
400 Unknown field or invalid query param.
401 Invalid or missing token.
403 Insufficient permissions (required: API+READ).
404 Container not found.


Curl request:

curl \
    -X GET '' \


        "id": 123,
        "kind": "Asset",
        "name": "my-host",
        "key": "alt_client_id",
        "value": 456