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Query container files

GET /container/<containerId>/files?fields=...


Query all files for a given container.

Path parameters

Param Description
containerId Container Id.

Query parameters

Param Default Description
fields id Fields to return (see fields below for all available fields).


Field Return type Description
id integer Key string of the alert.
size integer Initial message when the alert was opened.
created integer Unix timestamp in seconds when the file was created in InfraSonar.
type string One of xml, json, docx, xlsx, csv, pdf, image, text, markdown, compressed or unknown.
name string File name.
labels array(integer) List with label Ids.

Return codes

Error code Reason
200 Success.
400 Unknown field.
401 Invalid or missing token.
403 Insufficient permissions (required: API+READ).
404 Container not found.


Curl request:

curl \
    -X GET ',name,type' \


        "id": 456,
        "name": "network-diagram.png",
        "type": "image"