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Agentcores & Zones


It this panel you can see the status of the Agentcores deployed for a container.

Remote Appliance Manager

Our preferred installation automatically installs the Remote application manager.

The remote appliance manager runs as a docker container on our appliance and allows remote commands to be send from the Agentcore page in our web-app.

If the remote appliance manager is active you can access it's configuration by clicking the gear ⚙ icon.

General section

Here you can change your tokens, select a different zone and view overall logging.

InfraSonar edit asset

Agents section

Here you can enable agents which run inside a docker container.

InfraSonar edit asset

TODO agent pages

Probes section

Use the sync with container button to ensure the configured collector are deployed on the remote appliance.

Enabled collectors which are not included in the list will be added, and collectors which are turned off will be removed. No changes will be applied until you explicitly choose to do so.

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Some collectors require an additional configuration or credemtials. These can be set by clicking the pencil icon

InfraSonar edit asset

The Environment tab allows you to set a debug level.

InfraSonar edit asset

Config section

Use the config section to create a specific probe configuration that can be applied on a collector in the Local configuration which is available for curtain probes.

InfraSonar edit asset

The Name field can be used as a Local configuration

InfraSonar edit asset

Removing a Agentcore

With the proper authorization it is possible to remove an Agentcore here.

Proceed with caution

Removing an Agentcore without having a secondary agentcore in the same zone can seriously impact the availability of your monitoring solution.

Good to know

  • When one or more Agentcores are configured in the specified zone an asset is bound to one of the Agentcores in this zone.
  • If no agentcores are configured in the specified zone we fall back to any other agent core.
  • For assets being monitored using an agent the zone configuration is purely cosmetic.



Zones can be useful when assets are located in a dmz or other remote network as it allows to direct assets to a specific Agentcore by configuring the asset to be a member of the specific zone.