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Child containers

InfraSonar containers are a hierarchial setup of you monitored infrastructure.

A container can contain monitored assets and/or sub-containers.

Depending on your access level the following can be configured at container level:

  • Authorization
  • Labels
  • Conditions.
  • Collectors
  • Billing
  • Modes
  • Timezone



Authorization is inherited to "lower" containers. Inheritance can be "broken" down the chain.

InfraSonar hierarchical setup

graph LR
  A[InfraSonar] --> B[container];
  B -->C((assets));
  A -->D[container];
  D -->E[container];
  D -->F[container];
  E -->G((assets));
  F -->H((assets));
  A -->I[container];
  I -->J((assets));
  I -->K[container];
  K -->L[container];
  L -->N[container];
  L -->O((assets));
  N -->S((assets));
Hierarchy implementation for a service provider
graph LR
  A[InfraSonar] --> B[service provider];
  B --> C[internal infrastructure]
  B --> D[monitoring only]
  B --> E[managed service]
  C --> F((assets))
  D --> customer1[customer 1]
  D --> customer2[customer 2]
  customer1 --> I((assets))
  customer2 --> J((assets))
  E --> customer3[customer 3]
  customer3 --> K((assets))
  E --> customer4[customer 4]
  customer4 --> L((assets))
  E --> customer5[customer 5]
  customer5 --> M[development]
  customer5 --> N[acceptance]
  customer5 --> O[production]
  M --> Q((assets))
  N --> R((assets))
  O --> S((assets))

Setup a new container


When you are new to InfraSonar and sign in for the first time, you will see the message:

Welcome to InfraSonar! It appears that you are not yet a member of an InfraSonar container. If you are a member of an organization that uses InfraSonar, ask for permission from an authorized person to add you to the relevant container. Otherwise, request a free demo via the website!

From the container view, you can add a new child container.

InfraSonar add child container

InfraSonar add container
  1. When you are in asset view you can use the child containers button to switch to child container view;
  2. Click the add container button;
  3. Enter a name for your container;
  4. Select the mode, this is usual normal;
  5. Select the timezone for this container;
  6. CLick save.