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Time schedule

Reports can be scheduled to be delivered at regular intervals:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly


Editing is only possible for repeating reports. One-off reports can be cloned to be run again using other parameters.

Planning ahead
It is possible to schedule reports in the future, we advise to enable notifications when doing so.

State data
Quering state data is due to its nature not possible over a period of time.

Data filers

Data filters can be used to fine grain which assets are returned in your report.

Depending on the report you can use any of these filters:

  • Asset kind filter
    You can opt to limit your report to a specific asset kind.
  • Container filter
    Allows you to select for which containers you want the report
  • Label filter
    Allows you to filter for which labels you want the report


The following reports are available, we can add additional reports on request.

Alerts and notifications

This report contains charts for alerts and notifications within a selected time period.

State data

This report shows data for a collector / check / type for a selection of assets.

State data reports can be useful to periodically retrieve data for keeping your CMDB up to date.

Chart data

This report generates a PDF-document with charts for a selection of assets.

A useful use case for this report can be to report monthly storage usage.

Condition hit

This reports shows when and how many time a condition is being hit within a selected time period.

Condition status

This reports show the status for a condition (like the effective condition page) for a selection of assets.

Check status

This reports show the status for a collector/check for a selection of assets.

Phone usage

This report contains information about phone usage within a selected time period.

This reports gives an overview of all external notifications send to a mobile phone via either SMS, WhatsApp or voice message.

VMware guests

This report contains all VMware Guests based on vCenter or ESX guests-lists combined with assets running the vmwareguest collector.

Hyper-V guests

This report contains all Hyper-V Guests based on the Hyper-V guests-lists combined with assets running the hypervguest collector.

UniFi devices

This report contains all UniFi devices based on the UniFI Controller device lists combined with assets running the unifidevice collector.